PMLA Organized Groups

PML Ladies Club – Facebook Page
ROOFBB’s – Facebook Page
Attention Organized Groups and Clubs: 
If your group or club has disbanded or the information posted requires updating, please send  written notification to PMLA, Attn: Webmaster at 19228 Pine Mountain Drive, Groveland, CA 95321 or email at

If you would like your PML Organized Group posted to this web page, please contact the Webmaster at  If you don’t have a website, your email address can be used.

Organized Group Definition, Resolution #01.05
Contact the individual below if you are interested in joining.
Organized GroupContact PersonPhone #
Aviation AssociationBob Mackey1-408-373-2625
Crest Valley Firewise CommunityTerre Passeau1-209-962-5364
Friends of the Groveland LibraryVirgina Richmond1-209-962-6144
Friends of the LakeMike Gustafson1-209-962-6336
Garden ClubLinda Flores1-209-770-6063
Ladies ClubSharon Newell1-415-244-7515
Men's Golf
Needle CraftersBarbara Klahn1-209-916-5420
Pickleball ClubLee Carstens1-415-215-5564
Pine Needlers Quilt GuildLeslie Timmons1-209-482-1406
PML Ladies 18 Hole Golf ClubLaura Kramer1-209-840-0129
PML Lady NinersStacie Brown1-209-962-7397
PML Pool WellnessVickie
PML Safe StreetsLeslie Dudley1-209-962-4911
PML Shooting ClubScott Knupfer1-925-809-2850
PML Waterski & WakeboardDean Floyd1-408-915-8848
Residents ClubBrad Nelson1-209-996-0106
ROOFBBAudrey Prouse1-209-962-4196
Rotary Club of GrovelandPete Stevenson1-209-814-1382
Southern T/C Historical Society STCHSHarriet Codeglia1-209-962-0300
Southern Valley Srs. Golf GroupRich Robenseifner1-707-486-9115