Pine Mountain Lake Association
Administration Office Hours:
Monday – Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm (closed during lunch 12:00 to 1:00)The Administration Office will open at 8:45 am instead of 8:00 am on the second Tuesday of each month.
Administration Receptionist:
Angela Hicks-Church 1-209-962-8600 admin@pinemountainlake.com
Member Relations:
Shari Pingree 1-209-962-8632 pmlmr@pinemountainlake.com
We’re happy to be of assistance!
Gate Access Cards
Monday – Friday 8:00 am To 4:30 pm (closed 12-1 for lunch) at the Administration Office. No Appointment Required.
Safety / Main Gate:
Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Main Gate 1(209) 962-8615
Fax 1(209) 962-6796
PMLA Phone Numbers:
Administration Office 1(209) 962-8600
Administration Fax 1(209) 962-8655
Other Phone Numbers:
Golf Course/Pro Shop 1(209) 962-8620
Golf Course Snack Shack 1(209) 962-5058
The Grill Restaurant 1(209) 962-8638
19th Hole Lounge 1(209) 962-8636
Stables 1(209) 962-8667
Campground Information/Reservations 1(209) 962-8615
Maintenance (streets) 1(209) 962-8612
Maintenance (golf course) 1(209)962-8610
Community Standards 1(209) 962-1241
Community Standard Specialist 1(209) 962-1245
Fire Safety 1(209)990-5260
ECC Assistant 1(209)962-8605
Recreational & Seasonal Operations Manager 1(209) 962-8604
Seasonal Phone Numbers:
Marina Lakeside Café 1(209) 962-8630
Marina Store 1(209) 962-8631
PML Pool 1(209) 962-8634
Pine Mountain Lake Newspaper:
PML News – Sabre Design 1(209) 962-0613
PML News – Sabre Design PMLNews@sabredesign.net