Fire Safety

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Rim Fire August 2013

Pine Mountain Lake property owners and staff are

committed to reducing the threat of wildfire!

Fire Safety Coordinator

Joe Milani at (209) 990-5260

Fire Inspection California Law References

BOF General Guidelines for Creating Defensible Space

PRC 4291 Public Resource Code 4291.

14 CCR 1299.3 California Code of Regulations Title 14

California Fire Code 505.1

California Building Code 2113.9.2

Information Links

Fire Safety Inspection Request

Downed Tree Removal Process (PG&E)

Tree Mortality Program FAQ

Tree Mortality Aid Program Application

Tuolumne County Wood Sort Yard

PMLA burn permits are required for all burning projects.

A burn permit can be obtained at the Main Gate or the PML Administration Office

Residential Burning Requirements

PMLA Burning Standards

Portable Outdoor Fireplaces in PML

 For more information on burning, visit the CAL FIRE website at

If you wish to burn, keep in mind:

  1. PMLA burn permits are required for all member owners who wish to burn on their Lot.  Permits are good for 5 years from the date of issue.
  2. At certain times of the year CalFire burn permits are required by the person doing the burning and are available from the Groveland Fire Station on main Street.  Call 209-962-7891 for current requirements.
  3. Call 209-962-8615 for burn day information and to report you will be burning.  Be prepared to provide your PMLA burn permit number and your Unit/Lot information.

1. All lots must be Fire Safety Compliant by July 1 of each year. For more information call Joe Milani at (209) 990-5260.

2. Burn Permits from PMLA are required starting Oct. 1, 2010. Apply on- line or call Joe Milani at (209) 990-5260.  Permits are good for 5 years from the date of issue.

3. No burning is allowed in PML from June 1 to approximately Nov. 15 of each year.

4. Phone number for “burn day” information (209) 533-5598.

5. Firewood permits for the compost pile are $20 for 1 week cutting. Cash only please. Permits can be obtained from the Maintenance yard 962-8612 (call first) for Property Owners and PML renters only.

6. Make sure your lot is properly marked with unit/lot & address signs. Green and white reflector signs can be purchased from TC Sheriff’s see form below.

PML Emergency MapsPML Emergency Maps
Tuolumne County Emergency PamphletTC Emergency Pamphlet
Preparing for Fire SeasonPreparing for Fire Season
Wildfire: Prevent Home IgnitionPrevent Home Ignition
Your Home Can Survive a WildfireYour Home Can Survive a Wildfire
How Wildfire SpreadsHow Wildfire Spreads
Ready Set Go - Ready For WildfireReady Set Go - Ready for Wildfire
Defensible Space 2018Defensible Space
PRC 4291PRC 4291
Emergency Plan 2020Emergency Plan 2020
PML Emergency Preparedness PML Emergency Preparedness
CAL Fire
CAL Fire website
Equipment Use SafetyEquipment Use Safety
Compost Area
Compost Area Information
Tree Removal Request
(for removing trees or branches greater than 5 inches in diameter)
Tree Removal Request
Fire Safety Inspection Request For Real EstateFire Safety Inspection request
PMLA Burning StandardsPMLA Burning Standards
Portable Outdoor Fireplaces in Pine Mountain LakeOutdoor Fire Pits
TC Sheriff’s Community Service Unit
 13769-A Mono Way
P.O. Box 4066
Sonora, CA 95370
(209) 536-9828

7. BBQ and Fireplace Coals & Ashes
Please use great care when disposing of coals and ashes. They should be placed in a covered metal container and set on concrete, if possible, until completely cold. This can take several days. Three things to remember:
a) Do not leave ashes/coals on or under decks or near brush.
b) Do not set the covered container on or near pine needles or fallen leaves.
c) Do not put ashes/coals in the trash or in paper bags.


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Remember, proper care can save lives.

In March 2013 on Wells Fargo Drive, hot coals were put in a paper bag and placed in the trash resulting in a fire. This “near disaster” could have resulted in much worse consequences. The fire fighter is hosing down the propane tank which did not catch on fire. Don’t let this be you!

100 Feet of Defensible Space is the Law
In January 2005 a new state law became effective that extended the defensible space clearance around homes and structures from 30 feet to 100 feet. Proper clearance to 100 feet dramatically increases the chance of your house surviving a wildfire. This defensible space also provides for firefighter safety when protecting homes during a wildland fire.


What is Defensible Space?100 Foot Defensible Space
Defensible space is the area between a house and an oncoming wildfire where the vegetation has been modified to reduce the wildfire threat and to provide an opportunity for firefighters to effectively defend the house. Sometimes, a defensible space is simply a homeowner’s properly maintained backyard.

The pre-fire activities implemented by this homeowner included a green and well maintained landscape, reduction of wild land vegetation around the perimeter of the property, a fire resistant roof, and a good access road with a turnaround area. The charred surroundings of the home show that these pre-fire activities effectively protected it when wildfire hit.

CAL FIRE burn permits are required at certain times of the year and are available at the following locations:

CAL FIRE – Groveland Fire Dept.
18930 Hwy 120
Groveland, CA  95321
(209) 962-7891

Groveland CAL FIRE Station
11700 Merrell Road
Groveland, CA  95321
(209) 962-7821

DC-10 dropping fire retardant on the Rim Fire