PML News: The Official Paper of Pine Mountain Lake
All issues can be found on PML News Magazine page
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Classified Ad Customer Comments:
"I need to cancel my ad. I have gotten so much business from the ad that I can't keep up. I need to take a break and get caught up and I'll call you back to put it back in. Ad sure works."
"I want to make sure I am in your paper. It is the only "real" paper up here and I love it."
"I never got my paper this month and I want to make sure I do. I anxiously await the paper each month and I was devastated when it didn't come. I look so forward to reading it every month. Thank you for the beautiful job you do."
"We just wanted to make sure that our ad is always in your paper and that you have our latest ad. We run in a lot of papers but yours is really important to us. We get great response from the readers. We love the PML News."
The Pine Mountain Lake News, established July 25, 1973, is printed monthly for residents of Pine Mountain Lake and sold in the Groveland, CA 95321 area.
The PML News is mailed to approximately 3500 PML property owner households each month. Approximately 500 copies are rack-sold in the local Groveland area. Our circulation reaches approximately 1200 full-time, resident, PML property owners and approximately 2300 "weekender," non-resident, property owners who maintain primary residence in Northern California, in Southern California or in other states.
The PML Newspaper is also available
in the traditional "hard-copy".
Options | 1st Class Delivery | Per Year |
Property Owners | $20.00 | |
Non-Property Owners | $30.00 | |
Additional Options | Bulk Delivery | Per Year |
Co-Owners | $ 3.00 | |
Non-Property Owners | $10.00 |
Please mail your payment to:
Pine Mountain Lake Association
Attn: Shari Pingree
19228 Pine Mountain Drive
Groveland, CA 95321
(209) 962-8632
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