Special Meeting Information Page
A group calling itself the PML Board Recall Group (the “Petitioners”) has demanded that the Association schedule a Special Meeting wherein the members of the Association can vote on whether the entire Board of Directors should be removed from office pursuant to Corporations Code §7222(a) – “Removal of Directors Without Cause.” The Petitioners have obtained the minimum number of signatures necessary to require a Special Meeting and the Association has, therefore, scheduled a Special Meeting of the Pine Mountain Lake Association membership where the votes for and against the proposed removal of the current Association Board of Directors will be counted.
Accordingly, a Special Meeting has been scheduled to take place on July 27, 2019 beginning at 9:00 a.m. at the Grill at Pine Mountain Lake, 12765 Mueller Drive, Groveland, CA 95321.
For more detailed information and meeting notice, please click on the links below.
Special Meeting & Removal Election
RESO – 06.01 Election Procedures